•CoilSnake file system

Here is the full layout of CoilSnake's file system, the purpose of each file, and the structure of each file.


1/ through 5/

Contains image files for each frame of the animation.


Contains data for each animation.

animations.yml frames: int - Amount of frames in the animation
unknown: int - Unknown


Contains battle background images.


Contains in-battle enemy sprites.



Contains data about how to handle names like "Paula's Mom" and "Poo's Master".

dynamic_names.yml mode: str - Where to place the string in relation to the name. One of "none", "prefix", "suffix".
text: str - String to append/prefix to name.


Contains data about how to split up graphics in the image files.

graphics_entries.yml begin: int - Offset from start of image in 8x8 tiles.
misc: bool - If it should be sourced from MiscGraphic.png instead of NameGraphic.png.
size: int - How many 8x8 tiles wide the graphic is.

MiscGraphic.png and NameGraphic.png

Graphical data for character names and other things that show up that aren't normal sprites.


Contains user-made CCScript files.


A record of stats and addresses from the most recent compilation.


Contains font graphics and data.

0_widths.yml through 4_widths.yml

X_widths.yml 0 - 127: int - witdh of the character. Character IDs are measured from left to right, top to bottom, in 16x16 blocks (for the first three) or 8x16 blocks (for the last two) in the font graphic image. A pixel of space between the next character is added automatically.

0.png through 4.png

Font image files. Each character is 16x16 in size. In order, the fonts are: Regular, Mr. Saturn, Flyover, Battle, Window Title.


Lets you specify automatic special-character replacements in .yml files. Does not affect .ccs files.

character_substitutions.yml [your char]: str - byte to replace occurances of [your char] with. See the example commented in the file.


The font used for names in the credits. You can't easily change the character sourcing.